So it is the end of the first week back and it feels a little funky after spending three weeks doing almost nothing while trying to recover. I have to admit that it does feel nice being back at school, despite the fact that it is a little weird not having arms and trying to be a student.
As far as the game goes, we have hit the ground running, we are fleshing out new details and moving forward with a lot of changes that we have come up with. I spent some time this week working on some 3D models for environment objects. One of my group members Whitt drew some awesome pictures of objects such as windows, floor tiles, pillars, and other items that could be found around a castle. I took these pictures and started to make them into 3D objects. So far I have done a window and a pillar, and I gotta say that I do like the way that they turned out! Obviously they still need to be textured, but that is the part that I am probably weakest at.

(It is a window not a tombstone, I swear!)
Games that I am playing: SWTOR (With my sister), Metro: Last Light (This game has been awesome so far! I feel like it is way easy compared to the first though).